Resumen del libro
The book that you hold in your hands or on the screen of any technological device is the result of the effort made by a group of professors with the collaboration of professionals in different universities and study centres in twenty-five countries. It is title is already revealing: Social Work in the 21st Century. It is remarkable the coordination of professors Concepción Nieto-Morales and Monica Solange De Martino Bermúdez for readers to know not only the curriculum of Social Work in each of the countries that appear, but also the profile of the student body and the identification and reflection on the challenges that the 21st century poses to the teaching of the profession, among other elements.
Being a social worker in these times requires a previous awareness before starting the long road that begins with academic training and ends with the daily work linked to people who need help; they need us to help them to conquer their rights. There is something else. Social problems over the years seem not to change their name: homeless; drug addicts, minors... but we must know that the internal dynamics of these marginalized groups evolve over time. We must act according to today’s situation, with today’s schemes, otherwise the essence of social work will disappear.
Presentation, Jose Chamizo de la Rubia
Introduction, Monica Solange de Martino
1. Australia, Carolyn Noble & Goetz Ottmann
2. Canada, Rick Csiernik
3. Czechoslovakia. Mirka Ne?asová & Alois K?iš?an
4. Hong Kong, Raymond K H CHAN
5. Denmark, Kirsten Henriksen
6. Spain, Juan Blanco López, Concepcion Morales-Nieto & Myriam Jiménez de los Santos
7. United States, Caroline Gelman & Manny J. González
8. Finland, Minna Zechner & Päivi Rinne
9. France, Joëlle Delacôte
10.Indian, Vimla Nadkarni
11.Indonesia, Fentiny Nugroho & Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim Fitriyah
12.England, Darren Hill & Nick Frost
13.Italy, Marilena Dellavalle & Roberta Ricucci
14.Lithuania, Laima Zalimien? & Violeta Gevorgianiene
15.New Zealand, Barbara Staniforth
16. Portugal, María Irene Carvalho, Helena Teles, Teresa Paula Silva & Laura Benitez Millan
17.Uruguayan, Mónica De Martino Bermúdez, Cecilia Espasandín Cárdenas, M. del Carmen Echeverriborda San Martín & Mª Ángeles Jiménez Cobos
18.Venezuela, Ana Mercedes Salcedo González & Absalón Méndez Cegarra
Conclusion, Concepcion Nieto-Morales
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