Technologies, multimodality and media culture for gender equality. Advancing in digital transformation of education

Technologies, multimodality and media culture for gender equality. Advancing in digital transformation of education. 9788411703567
  • Editorial: Dykinson
  • ISBN: 9788411703567
  • ISBN electrónico: 978-84-1170-356-7
  • Colección: Conocimiento Contemporáneo
  • Páginas: 209
  • Plaza de edición: Madrid , España
  • Idiomas: Inglés
  • Fecha de la edición: 2023
  • Edición: 1ª ed.
  • Materias:

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Technologies, multimodality and media culture for gender equality. Advancing in digital transformation of education

  • Jiménez Cortes, Rocío. Coordinador
  • Triviño Cabrera, Laura. Coordinador
  • E-book PDF

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    Resumen del libro

    The network society (Van Dijk, 2020) has completely blurred the traditional difference between virtual and real life. Our day to day is increasingly characterised by our continuous connection to the Internet. Multiple daily tasks merge with hybrid models of face-to-face and online activity, ranging from shopping to attending classes, and meeting for work or recreation, among others.

    The moments, resources and contexts of learning in digital society are becoming more open and diversified while at the same time customised, depending on specific interests, motivations and needs. The network society allows and enables us to be part of very diverse groups and communities of effective learning, simultaneously ubiquitous and invisible (Cobo & Moravec, 2011). We could say that we are now facing a new social model characterised primarily by digital learning and interactivity with digital resources in virtual worlds. This places education in the foreground, through commitment and action. New increasingly disruptive digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, new social media and media culture require in-depth knowledge of multimodal learning - especially among those who are dedicated to education and training - where the digital component is omnipresent, inevitable and inalienable.