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The usual suspects: Can parents be held accountable for their reproductive and genetic decisions?

Revista de Derecho y Genoma Humano. Genética, Biotecnología y Medicina Avanzada

The usual suspects: Can parents be held accountable for their reproductive and genetic decisions?

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El Código Civil de Macao incluye una norma excluyendo la responsabilidad de los padres por cualquier daño causado a los niños antes de su nacimiento, con la excepción de los daños intencionales causados al feto. Esta disposición crea un injustificado privilegio parental, que torna a los padres inmunes a prácticamente toda responsabilidad por daños sufridos por los hijos derivados de sus erróneas decisiones reproductivas. Por lo tanto, la norma ignora, por completo, el concepto de responsabilidad reproductiva y los deberes reproductivos inherentes, particularmente en el ámbito de las técnicas de reproducción asistida y procedimientos médicos asociados. Dado que los deberes reproductivos son poco discutidos en el derecho continental, que es el sistema legal de Macao, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar su existencia y contenido en el contexto de los principios básicos del derecho continental.

The Macao Civil Code includes a norm excluding parental liability for any damage caused to children before they are born, with the exception of intentional harm to the fetus. This provision creates an unjustified parental privilege that renders parents immune to almost any liability for injuries suffered by their children resulting from poor reproductive decisions. Thus, the norm completely disregards the concept of reproductive responsibility and the inherent reproductive duties, particularly in the area of assisted reproductive techniques and associated medical procedures. As reproductive duties are little discussed in continental law –which is the legal system of Macao- the aim of this article is to analyze their existence and content in the context of the basic principles of continental law.

Palabras Clave:
Genética / Responsabilidad parental / Diagnóstico prenatal / Calidad de vida / Deberes reproductivos / Nonato

Genetics / Parental responsibility / Pre-natal diagnosis / Quality of life / Reproductive duties / The unborn


1. The starting point of our analysis: Article 63/4 of the Macao Civil Code. 2. Reproductive responsibility and reproductive duties. 2.1. Ethical justification of reproductive duties. 2.2. Legal grounds for reproductive duties. 2.3. Analysis of existing reproductive duties. 2.4. The particular case of the deliberate choice of a defective embryo. 2.5. The problem of culpability. 2.6. The problem of causation. 3. Consequences for the violation of reproductive duties. 4. What are reproductive duties protecting?. 4.1. Can a reproductive duty exist towards a non-person?. 4.2. The rights involved in prenatal injuries. 4.3. The future person’s best interests. 5. Legal assessment of reproductive duties. 6. Final remarks.